Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein

Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein is quite different from the newer take of the  Frankenstein that I have grown up with. He isn't someone that you necessarily can grow fond of or show compassion for. Her Frankenstein is Blunt, Bulky, and unstable with his thoughts. He is educated which I thought was odd well-spoken and childish. It is an odd combo that makes for an interesting character. It odd to think about how we went from this Frankenstein to say the Van Helsing 2004 American horror film written and directed by Stephen Sommers. Where Frankenstein is more human, with a love for his creator and an understanding of his purpose. I feel this is a more animated and better revival of his character. With the Modern Frankenstein, we can relate more to the character because he has similar wants and aspirations as people would. He is relatable. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein while well-spoken just seems kind of daft demanding a woman as that will solve his problems. Everyone in the book is kind of daft honestly in my own opinion where their actions are not thought-out. The writing reminds me that she wrote this at a very young age as it shows in the writings voice.


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